Monday, November 14, 2011

Acute vs Chronic.
It's a physiological thing. 
But that's how it is. 

Things eventually get better. And so they have. But I'm entering this new stage where it's this dull and constant ache. Something I'm getting used to, you kind of forget that it's there sometimes. But I can't decide which one is worse. The acute pain, the kind that made each minute drag by. The one that was unbelievably intense I had no idea how I was going to survive it. Or this kind...the one I know I will have to live with for the rest of my life. I would like to think it will subside, that it will be something I will look back on years from now and see how much I learned and healed. That I am thriving...I already am, but that I will be able to shed so much of this skin. Things just seem to be taking longer than I thought

I used to feel every single minute of your absence; now, time is flying by so fast. This is the third time I haven't noticed the 6th of each month and that's kind of bizarre.

But one of the most amazing things I've come to learn about human beings is how resilient we are. As fragile as our bodies are in the grand scheme of things, our minds and cores can survive anything. It just takes a while. I knew this from before, but experiencing it first hand is nothing short of amazing. 

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